
Jan 29, 2013

Naughty, Funny, Lovableness

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I love how my kids set up camp wherever I am. I'm certain that if I was ever in the bathroom for more than 10 minutes,  they'd start filing in, one by one with toy after toy. Oh, wait. They do that already.

A few Sundays ago, they set up camp behind my desk while I sat blogging at my computer. All three of them were playing Memory together, and it made me really happy that they could play a game nicely without my help. (My babies are growing up!) Anyway, it reminded me of when my little sister Emma was born... she was the fourth child born into our family, and I was so excited because we would finally be able to play "duck, duck, goose" properly. I was disappointed when she didn't come out of our mother's womb walking and talking. So much for duck, duck, goose, I thought, exasperated. I'm pretty sure we dragged her on the blanket she was laying on, stuck her in the mush pot permanently, and pretended it wouldn't take her at least a year to really play with us.

So yeah, I couldn't help but notice how wonderful it was that they are all old enough to play games together. And they were playing so sweetly, too, until I busted out my camera, of course. Then they were trying to get each other to do monster faces, and before I knew it they were bringing up string cheese into my room to snack on (huge no-no), and pretty much getting away with whatever they wanted because I was in "camera land."

But apparently Juliette wants me to lay down the law because yesterday she was fussing at lunchtime about something or another, I don't remember. I kept trying to settle it, and she kept on throwing a fit, determined to be impossible to please. Finally, she said,


"Okay, sure! Go to time out. You're right, you do need to go to time out."

She stomped her feet into the bathroom (our designated time-out station), and slammed the door. A few minutes later she swung the door open with all trace of tears and anger gone. She lifted her arm up high and announced, "I'm HAPPY now!"

Liam and I died laughing. And we all laughed some more around the dinner table that night when we told Will and Isabella about it because I'm always sending the kids to time out and telling them to come back when they can be happy.

So, I guess what I'm getting at is that there's never a dull moment at this house--that my kids are naughty, funny and the most lovable little people ever.


Jan 21, 2013

Happy to be Alive.

Here's a list of five things that are giving me reason to do the happy dance lately:

1. Downton Abbey. I love that show. My favorite character is Matthew Crowley, hands down.

2. I'm just about finished updating my Marie Photographie welcome packet, and while I'm not sure I'll be doing many sessions this year, it's fun to be prepared in case I decide I have time for it, and in case people want me to take their photos! It's been so fun to update things at my own pace, low stress. I love it.

3. I feel completely spoiled, but I have three trips I'm super excited about this year. First, I get to go to UT for nephew Henry's blessing and our brother Christian's missionary farewell next week. Mom will even be there from Germany, so I'm super pumped for that. And then Will and I booked tickets for us and the kids to go to Cancun next month. And best of all, we're going to Germany to see my family in June. To say I'm excited about these trips would be the understatement of the year. I can't stop thinking about it!

4. I don't know how I got this lucky, but I haven't had to make dinner for four days straight. I don't think that has ever happened. I'm in for a rude awakening tomorrow. It won't be too bad, though. I tried something different and planned out my menu for the entire month and then shopped for everything at the beginning of January, so I have all my ingredients on hand. Well, mostly. There are some perishables that I've had to go back to the store for, but it's taken so much stress out of figuring out what to make for dinner. It's also been kinder on our grocery budget. Maybe I'll post all the dinners/recipes/ingredients next week. It's pretty handy!

5. I finally learned how to do flat iron curls on my hair and I think it actually looks decent on me, and the curls actually stay! Oh, and speaking of hair, Lulu introduced me to this really inexpensive, but awesome shampoo called "Simply U." It's sulfate and paraben free and can be purchased at Walmart! I love that it's cheap and yet not stripping my hair of it's natural oils. I talk as if I know of what I'm speaking. I don't really. I just like the shampoo. And it smells super yummy, too. And my boys have been using Simply U gel and I can't stop sniffing their hair. haha, kidding. Sort of.  :)


PS. You guys should really hold me to a word count. My posts are always so long! (Sorry!)

Jan 14, 2013

The Time I Almost Became a Millionaire.

Can I tell you a funny story? No pictures, nothing to show, just a funny story?

While checking out at Costco the other day, Liam was standing next to me poking his little hands into crevices that he shouldn't. He has a knack for getting into things even in situations where it appears there's nothing to get into. I was busy counting out cash and separating transactions as to keep organized with our stinking budget, but I kept glancing down his way every few seconds to check on him.

"What is this, Mommy?"

I'm fumbling as I try to fit all my change into my wallet so we can be on our way.

"MOM-my! What IS this?" he tugs on my jacket.

"Oh, wow! That's not ours. Where did you get that money?"

He points to a crack in the counter.

"There? Well, put it back."

He tries to, but it doesn't slide in easily, and so now he's holding this crumpled bill in his hands. I take it and try shoving it into the crevice myself and manage to get it half way in.  But now it's really rumpled and sticking way out of the counter for the world to see, and it all just felt weird.

(Let me try to explain this crack in the counter: At about a 4-year-old's eye level there's this very small table that can swing out... and that's where Liam said this bill came from.)

I definitely couldn't help but notice all the zeroes on this bill, and in a moment of weakness I thought about the Law of Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers.

And then I asked myself what kind of mother I would be to tell Liam we could take that bill out of a random slot of the Costco counter.

So as the cashier begins to take care of the next customer, and we're about to finally be on our way, I backtrack a few steps, get the cashier's attention, point to the money and tell him my son found it.

"Whoa!! It's a million dollar bill!" the cashier announces really loudly, and waves it around for everyone to see. There's lots of smiling and commotion around the counter and I decide to hurry and leave as to not draw attention to us. As we head to the exit doors, I'm deep in thought about how I did the right thing by pointing it out--that I saved Costco a million dollars from being stolen. Not to mention, how awesome I am for teaching Liam that we don't take things that aren't ours, even if it's a lot of money, and even if it seems to fall into our lap.

But by the time I hit the parking lot I'm imagining all the things we could've done with a million dollars and start to regret not taking the money. I must be stupid! Who's to say that was Costco's money? Maybe someone really did just drop it on the ground and it's up for grabs? I immediately called Hubs to tell him about how we almost had that much money and to see what he would've done in that situation. I just couldn't believe I'd even come that close to so much money.

He listens to my whole story, listens to me try to explain about the weird crack in the counter, scolds me a little for not taking the money (just kidding!) and then says, sweet as can be,

"Marie, there's no such thing as a million dollar bill."



But the cashier even said! While I knew Will was probably right, I still googled it when I got home, and found satisfaction in being right about him being right.

So, that's the story of how I was *this close* to becoming a millionaire. All those zeroes were just on a fancy piece of play-money paper. I'm pretty sure I was punk'd. Maybe before long I'll have a video of myself like this floating around youtube. I'll have to work on my reaction next time!