
Sep 25, 2012

A Unicorn in the Making...

Dear Diary,

It's been a long day. Some good parts. Some bad parts. Mostly just long, though. Tonight we went and played basketball as a family again.

Isabella forgot her shoes...

Liam had a meltdown (or three)...

Juliette kept giving Daddy the ball even though we were playing girls against boys... :)

And as usual, I couldn't make a basket for the life of me. To top it all off, I got bit by something that's quickly turning me into a unicorn. Hubs looks at me and we laugh. I must say it's pretty funny to us right now. I was hoping to look nice for our trip to Chicago this week, just me and him. But it looks like I'm just going to look freakish because it just keeps getting bigger! Oh well. I'm still excited to meet you, Chicago.

Hoping to have some pretty pictures for you next week!
XOXO, Marie

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