You've stolen my heart. I am so over-the-moon in love with you, baby boy!
(So, I've attempted two little photoshoots with this guy, and have gotten a
handful of pictures that I love, but I have to admit I've had a really hard time squeezing in as many pictures as I'd like with all that goes into being a momma of four. It seems like by the time I have everyone situated, and everything set up, the sun is setting! (Stinkin' daylight savings.) Luckily, I have a handful of pictures I'm in love with, and tomorrow I plan on giving it another go. But for now, I just have time to post this one picture that I took of him with his eyes open today. Seeing it kinda
makes me want to go get him out of his crib right now and smother him in
smooches. I just love him.
Nov 10, 2013
Oct 17, 2013
Maternity Shots As Promised...
Maternity photos from each of us pregnant sisters is coming as promised, but Lulu suggested we post them separately, and for me to go first since I won't be pregnant for too much longer. (My due date is Sunday--hurray!) I'm thinking I will probably go late, but ya never know.
Anyway, here they are! It's always hard for me to find the motivation to have maternity pictures taken, but I never seem to regret it. It's fun to look back and see what I looked like pregnant with each of my kids, and I think my children will someday enjoy the pictures as well. At least I hope so! And a big thanks to my hubby for taking them and being so patient with me not liking most of them. I kept saying, "Just take like five more!" And he'd roll his eyes at me, knowing full well that wasn't the truth.
I think one of the secrets to getting good pictures is taking a million of them... the odds are in your favor that way. :)
I think one of the secrets to getting good pictures is taking a million of them... the odds are in your favor that way. :)

Oct 5, 2013
We're Back!
After a six-month Notes She Wrote hiatus, I’m happy to announce that we’re back! (And three out of four of us are pregnant!) I’m pretty sure that’s what we’re using as our excuse for dropping the ball on this blog. Life happens, and sometimes you just need to eliminate things from your life, even good things.
But it feels good to get to it again! We're going to ease into it by posting once a week instead of almost every day like we used to.
Next week we’re going to post some maternity photos of us… since who knows when so many of us sisters will be pregnant at the same time again.
My hubby is taking my maternity photos tomorrow, and so I went on Pinterest looking for some inspiration, and I have to say that most maternity pictures kinda want to make me gag--not a fan of guy kissing belly, but to each his own.
On the other hand, here are five pictures I was diggin. Wish me luck on my photoshoot tomorrow. And fair warning--I'm super pregnant right now! Only two weeks until my fourth arrives! So excited to meet this baby boy. And I'm also excited to bid farewell to the weird things that have come with this pregnancy---lots of sneezing, major bouts of clutziness, and waddling like nobody's business!

Next week we’re going to post some maternity photos of us… since who knows when so many of us sisters will be pregnant at the same time again.
My hubby is taking my maternity photos tomorrow, and so I went on Pinterest looking for some inspiration, and I have to say that most maternity pictures kinda want to make me gag--not a fan of guy kissing belly, but to each his own.
On the other hand, here are five pictures I was diggin. Wish me luck on my photoshoot tomorrow. And fair warning--I'm super pregnant right now! Only two weeks until my fourth arrives! So excited to meet this baby boy. And I'm also excited to bid farewell to the weird things that have come with this pregnancy---lots of sneezing, major bouts of clutziness, and waddling like nobody's business!

Apr 1, 2013
Last week was sure a busy one! We kicked off the week with Liam's 5th birthday, and then Juliette's 3rd birthday. And we ended the week with Easter! There was lots of celebrating and fun, that's for sure! This week we're loving a quieter schedule thanks to Spring Break. I keep looking at my planner for the week, and there's hardly anything on it! I almost have to do a double take. It's pretty awesome. I'm trying to use my extra time to catch up on some blogging! I think I have about five posts underway... so exciting, I know. XOXO, Marie
Mar 18, 2013
To Cancun and Back!

Despite my expired passport woes, I made it safe and sound to Cancun to my family! We had an unforgettable time! I could've spent a lifetime taking pictures there. It was beautiful and unique and quite the cultural experience, too. I've posted some more about our adventures on my family blog if you're interested.
'Til next time, Cancun! We loved you.
XOXO, Marie
Feb 24, 2013
Missing Them.

I've cried a LOT this weekend (a lot for generally unemotional me). To make a long story short, and I'm sure I'll be blogging more about this on my personal blog, but on Friday my family went on our family vacation without me.
Just hours before we were supposed to leave, we realized my passport had expired. So, Will flew solo with the kids on a red-eye flight to Cancun. After stepping foot in my house after dropping them off at the airport, the first thing I noticed was how empty and silent our home was. And then when I peeked in their bedrooms, my heart ached that their beds were empty, and there were no beautiful sleeping children to look in on.
Thank heavens I will have an expedited passport in my hands tomorrow so that I can soon join them! Can't wait to kiss each of these beautiful faces!
XOXO, Marie
Feb 20, 2013

Recently Hubs was Youtubing "The Piano Guys" with all three kids on his lap. (Highly recommend checking them out, btw!) I wasn't home, but he told me later that they were all mesmerized. He said after they were done watching, Juliette got out her toy piano and started singing and playing, and then stopped short and said, "I need close my eyes!" And then continued rocking out with passion. Hubs said it was such a hoot, and as you can see, Liam and Isabella have taken note of the keep-your-eyes-closed trick.
And then I caught them jamming together on Isabella's bed the other day. I love it when they do stuff like this! We have this secret dream of having a family band of some sort. Something fun for us to do together in our spare time. Sometimes in the car we daydream about who should play what. We just need to get cracking on getting some instruments and music lessons going on in this house-- for myself included!
XOXO, Marie
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